
Join us

Better than any visual

Any tourism-related business can join us and benefit from our marketing services, including a dedicated web page on our website. We’ll be happy to provide you with the instruments, information and assistance to help you promote your business in Pelorus area. If you would like more information on what Pelorus Promotions Group does, the benefits of becoming a member and having your business listed on this web site, please fill out the form below. We are waiting for you!

Benefits of becoming a member.


Being part of a local coalition and contributing to growing tourism, promoting the Pelorus as a world class visitor destination and championing and supporting tourism businesses


Our site is one of the first tourism promotion web sites online in the Pelorus area and continues to be among the most popular for travelers looking for places like yours.


As a member of Pelorus Promotions Group you will have your own page on such as mentions in our social media networks and printed marketing.

Join us.

Drop us a line.

We’d love to hear from you, please feel free to contact us.